- 7 September 2022
The tech skills shortage
We’ve all seen the dire BBC headlines, and the accompanying frightening stats. In May Tech Monitor suggested that job vacancies in the IT sector were up by 191%. There really is a problem in our industry but maybe employers and recruiters should look beyond the norm? Norfolk Dev...
- 20 August 2022
Community Recommends: VSCode Extensions
Community Recommends: VSCode Extensions Recently, I reached out to our community on the NorDev Discord Server to get some recommendations on extensions for VSCode. I already had a few in mind but I figured there's no better place to get some solid opions so here are the communi...
- 25 June 2022
nor(DEV): con 2022 Retrospective
What a conference! We're grateful to the sponsors & speakers. They make the conference possible and our thanks to all who attended for making it a welcoming, engaging, and rewarding event… As you might expect, organising a conference the same year as we emerge from restrictions...
- 14 June 2022
Facing the fear
All conference speakers, regardless of, well anything really, share one thing in common. They all had to deliver their first talk. The first time they stood up in front of a group of people and imparted something. I cannot be more specific, because each and every one of those ex...
- 13 June 2022
The future works
Keynote speaker and specialist in work-place innovation and optimisation, Rokker People’s Jim Marshall, spent some time talking to us about the future of work – providing us with real-world solutions rather than just abstractions. The nuts & bolts Having worked with the tech s...
- 13 June 2022
Let the games begin
Senior software engineer and video game modder and archivist, Codie Stella knows a thing or two about raising the dead. No, we’re not discussing ghouls 👻, Codie Stella is a game resurrectionist. Passion for programming Codie Stella started making addons for Garry’s Mod in the...
- 8 June 2022
Escaping a paper bag
When machine learning and AI specialist, Fran Buontempo, approached nor(DEV):22 with her conference speech title: ‘Coding your way out of a paper bag,’ we were puzzled. Was this some esoteric philosophical thesis, or would the keynote speech really explain how to code out of a p...
- 31 May 2022
Migrating toilets
Developer at The Guardian and open source aficionado, Oliver Barnwell, has invested a fair amount of time in a unique project, the Great British Toilet Map. Billed as ‘the largest database of publicly accessible toilets’ in the UK - no one need ever get caught short again. Looki...
- 29 May 2022
Make The Dead Fish Swim - Test Driven Golang
Today we are going to take a look at solving "Make The Dead Fish Swim" - A Codewars challenge ranked '6 kyu' and we are going to do it using Test Driven Development. First of all, let us look at the challenge we are going to tackle: Write a simple parser that will parse and ru...
- 27 May 2022
Driving culture change
When Ben Frost first joined Bourne Leisure as Head of Product, he soon realised that getting users’ opinions was paramount. Bourne are the owners of Haven Holidays. Here he explains how he implemented a system that involved both users and devs. First discoveries Coming from th...